Check out the demo video on the right, just link your website and we’ll take care of the rest!
It’s really that simple. Thanks for Joining the WP Agency Summit!
P.S. You also get 30% off all plans (including the lifetime special) for attending the WP Agency Summit!
If your website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, there’s a good chance that the visitor already left your website for your competitor.
It’s all up to you and can be leveraged as an
incredible value-add!
Remote manage all websites from the centralized portal to configure settings, optimize images and view reports.
Now there’s no need to log into each and every website to configure settings, compress images or view detailed reporting!
Simply assign monthly quota to clients based on your website care plans and add one-time credits for existing images.
An optimization quota can be offered as an upsell, add-on or even a value-add to your current plans to get, impress, retain more clients!
It’s all up to you and can be leveraged as an
incredible value-add!
Imagine not having to do any new work, while your clients get detailed reporting that’s automatically emailed each and every month.
Reports can be automatically emailed to each client monthly or downloaded as a PDF.
We even offer custom branded reports to agency members with 50K or more image views per month.
Load properly sized images for each device to save up to 70% in file-size and improve load times.
Deliver images from our blazing fast content delivery network for increased global performance.
Create and serve the next-gen format to supported browsers for increased performance.
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WordPress Core Developer
& TEDx Speaker
I tested the plugin on a 15.11 MB image and it reduced it to only 278 KB.
I was literally mind blown, as visually there was no major difference between the two images and the entire optimization procedure was handled automatically by WP Compress.
It’s super easy to use and very reasonably priced.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.